A date with Jack

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life has really changed this year.

Especially for Jack. He is adjusting to a new sister, Grade 1...All day school, every day and a mom who’s parenting has had some less than desirable moments these days.

So, We skipped school the other day and went to town just him and I and a sleeping Stella baby. We went for a walk by the Creek, to the Park, to the Library for some books and videos and for lunch together. I tried to fill his cup.

With life being so busy and changing , as we held hands and walked and talked together, he told me that he misses me and that I have changed and that he wants his old mom back. He said that I was be tuning into the kind of Mom that I never wanted to be...one that is grumpy and yells at her kids. Ouch....

He said he would never give his sister back, but he wants things to be be back the way they were.

Wow, Our children are our teacher...sometimes they tell us things that we don’t want to hear, that we know are true.

This boy...so smart, his heart is so tender he is so sweet is growing up so fast.

So for a brief moment he did have me back.

Thank you Jack, I promise to try harder, to be more patient, to forget about the uncompleted work, the dishes and just play more and have more fun.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You are so blessed! What great kids you have. Spectacular!!

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