A brand new day

Monday, January 24, 2011

It is a New Week!
When I woke up this morning I was determined to really make it a "New week". It kind started out the same...I stopped myself.

Last week was.....well its history. Thank goodness. Last was a non stop fighting, bad attitude, chaos, colds, behind on school work, sick dog, snowed in, stuck in the house, house trashed,husband working long days, cold, Frustrated, Sad, Disorganized, tired crazy kind of week. Somebody call the the “whaaambulance”!

So now it is time to let go of last week...I cannot change it.

I am making this week wonderful and fabulous.

If I can change my attitude...I am finding that I can completely change the outcome. I have been experiencing this more and more.

I have a mantra that I say when I want to overreact, jump and stamp and have a fit....which I do....more than I like to admit. I say it when I feel that surge of “oh no you didn’t”, go through my body and I want to spit cherries and blurt out the first thing that comes to my mouth...which usually makes the situation worse....fuels the fire.

Mantra: “You have control over your reaction”. Cheezy...kind of...effective YES! This is surprisingly comforting....it works really well. It allows you to think before you speak.....What a concept.

I am noticing more and more that, I really have the ability to make a situation bad or good with the way I react. It can either send a child running from the room crying or getting a hug and being helpful. I am starting to think before I speak. This is HUGE.


With the sun shinning, news of a warm winter week, a full heart and good intentions.I move forward and make this week so very wonderful. I am ever grateful for the opportunities that present. As I search for new ways to simplify, keep everyone happy, provide opportunity for growth. There is no doubt that this is and going to be a very busy and intense year. My intension is to glide through with grace. Pick myself up and start over. What else can we do but...Breath and try again.

So this week I am going to take a moment to be grateful everyday for what I have. A wonderful family, life, home and farm. I am grateful that I can sleep in warm bed, stay warm in a warm house, eat. The list, goes on and on.

I will clean and tidy my house, spend time with my children, spend time with friends, do something for myself, catch up on school work. I may even throw a creative project into the week, I have a few on the go that need some finishing. I will enjoy life. I will chase my dreams. I will wait for good news. I will be patient. I will love.

:: After all::

::All you need is love::

How will you make your life wonderful this week?

1 comment:

Kim said...

You are an inspiration, Joanna!! Keep on, Friend!

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